One of the greatest advances towards securing the Internet happened on April 12,
2016 when the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) launched the “Let’s
Encrypt” X.509 Transport Layer Security (TLS) (you
Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things is a label that the computer industry, the media, and
manufacturers have created to describe small devices that live on a network and
provide a
On Monday morning, I got a call from one of our Executives telling me that his
home computer was displaying a strange message and asking for some assistance.
I asked what was displaying
I run an Astaro Security Gateway (ASG) from Sophos (now called Sophos Unified
Threat Management [] (UTM))
for the bulk of my firewall needs at
WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms on the Internet. One of
the first things I do when I setup a new WordPress installation is harden it.
You can read about
WordPress [] is an extremely popular web platform with about
7% of all websites
[] running
WordPress. That large a population means that attackers have a rich
In my original Blog Post entitled Beware the Pogoplug
[] I pointed out a rather serious security
hole in the Cloud Engines []‘ Pogoplug device. That
Today marks a milestone for me. I started a blog. I have no idea how long I’ll
write this, but something I found out recently compelled me to share what I